Subjects of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) received either vitamin D3 (n = 47) in a weekly dose of 20,000 IU or placebo (n = 47) for a period of three to five years
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Sex, Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesHaCat cell cycle experiment: During the somatic cell cycle, DNA and epigenetic modifications in DNA and histones are copied to daughter cells. DNA replication timing is tightly regulated and linked to GC content, chromatin structure, andgene transcription, but how maintenance of histone modifications relates to replication timing and transcription is less understood.The gene expression patters on HaCaT keratinocytes during the cell cycle is studied by a time series analysis of synchroniced cells sampled at 3 hour intervals. We show that genes enriched with the repressive chromatin mark histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation are transcribed during DNA replication . The gene expression is related to replication timing, as genes expressed during G1/S transition andearly S phase generally have higher GC content and are replicated earlier than genes expressed during late S phase. These results indicate widespread replication-dependent expression in mammals and support a role for replication in transiently activating transcription of epigenetically silenced genes.
Transcription profiling during the cell cycle shows that a subset of Polycomb-targeted genes is upregulated during DNA replication.
Specimen part, Cell line, Time
View SamplesWe used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying beta catenin activation in embryonic pancreas.
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View SamplesLeft ventricular myocardium was snap-frozen at time of cardiac transplantation from patients with advanced idiopathic or ischemic cardiomyopathy, or at time of harvest from unused donor heart that serve as a nonfailing control. No subjects received mechanical support devices.
Transcriptional genomics associates FOX transcription factors with human heart failure.
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View SamplesIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a specific form of chronic, progressive fibrosing interstitial disease of unknown cause. It remains impractical to conduct early diagnosis and predict IPF progression just based on gene expression information. Moreover, the relationship between gene expression and quantitative phenotypic value in IPF keeps controversial. To identify biomarkers to predict survival in IPF, we profiled protein-coding gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We linked the gene expression level with the quantitative phenotypic variation in IPF, including diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and forced vital capacity (FVC) percent predicted. In silico analyses on the expression profiles and quantitative phenotypic data allowed for the generation of a set of IPF molecular signature that predicted survival of IPF effectively.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase is an endogenous suppressor of pulmonary fibrosis: role of S1P signalling and autophagy.
Sex, Age, Disease, Race
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The human primary hepatocyte transcriptome reveals novel insights into atorvastatin and rosuvastatin action.
Specimen part, Subject, Time
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Integrative Genomics Identifies Novel Associations with APOL1 Risk Genotypes in Black NEPTUNE Subjects.
Age, Specimen part
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View SamplesSarcoidosis, a systemic granulomatous syndrome invariably affecting the lung, typically spontaneously remits but in ~20% of cases progresses with severe lung dysfunction or cardiac and neurologic involvement (complicated sarcoidosis). Unfortunately, current biomarkers fail to distinguish patients with remitting (uncomplicated) sarcoidosis from other fibrotic lung disorders, and fail to identify individuals at risk for complicated sarcoidosis.
Peripheral blood gene expression as a novel genomic biomarker in complicated sarcoidosis.
Specimen part, Disease, Race
View SamplesEleven NSCLC cell lines with widely divergent gefitinib sensitivities were compared using gene expression. Genes associated with gefitinib response were used to classify additional NSCLC lines with unknown gefitnib sensitivity.
Baseline gene expression predicts sensitivity to gefitinib in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines.
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