Identification of genes regulated by apical auxin and basal cytokinin treatment of the nodal stem in cauline buds of Arabidopsis thaliana
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View SamplesRNA-Sequencing of clv3-2 shoot apical meristems, early flowers and whole plants. Goal was to define an expression map of clv3-2 meristematic cells.
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View SamplesGibberellin (GA) promotes plant growth by destabilizing DELLA proteins. DELLA proteins integrate multiple hormonal and environmental stress responses. We investigated the role of GA and DELLA proteins in plant defence.
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View SamplesExpression data after flg22 treatment on leaf discs in Col-0, 35S:AFB1 and 35S:miR393
The microRNA miR393 re-directs secondary metabolite biosynthesis away from camalexin and towards glucosinolates.
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View SamplesExpression data 24hrs after PstDC3000 inoculation in Col-0, 35S:AFB1 and 35S:miR393.
The microRNA miR393 re-directs secondary metabolite biosynthesis away from camalexin and towards glucosinolates.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe type II Oncostatin M receptor (OSMR) serves as the main binding site for the pleiotropic cytokine OSM. We have previously demonstrated a positive correlation between copy number driven OSMR over-expression and adverse clinical outcome in cervical tumours and have also established enhanced angiogenic, migratory and invasive potential as major consequences of OSMR over-expression using cell-line models of cervical cancer. By analysis of gene expression patterns in cell lines and tumours, this study now systematically defines cohorts of genes that are implicated for the phenotypes observed. Importantly, we have identified 15 OSM induced genes that are involved in at least one of these key functions and are up-regulated in both OSMR over-expressing cell-lines and tumours. These genes can serve as markers of OSM signalling in OSMR over-expressing SCCs and represent suitable targets for functional characterisation.
Overexpression of the oncostatin M receptor in cervical squamous cell carcinoma cells is associated with a pro-angiogenic phenotype and increased cell motility and invasiveness.
Sex, Cell line, Time
View SamplesThis study investigated gene expression changes in whole blood samples obtained from donors diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared to healthy controls. Micro-array data were available from whole blood on patients with MDD (N=128, 64 with generalised anxiety disorder, diagnosed by the MINI questionnaire, and 64 without anxiety disorder) and healthy controls (N=64). RNA was isolated from all samples using the standard PAXgene protocol on the Qiagen Biorobot 8000. All samples gave good quality RNA, as assessed by Agilent Bioanalyser. The yield range was 0.86-15.05ug with an average of 6.25ug. Samples were then randomised into batches, with each batch containing a representative number of controls, depression with anxiety and depression without anxiety, and the same ratio of females to males (3:1). 50ng of RNA from each sample was converted to a biotin labeled cDNA probe using NuGEN SPIA amplification. The probes were then hybridized to Affymetrix U133_Plus2.0 Genechips.
Replicable and Coupled Changes in Innate and Adaptive Immune Gene Expression in Two Case-Control Studies of Blood Microarrays in Major Depressive Disorder.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
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Conserved principles of mammalian transcriptional regulation revealed by RNA half-life.
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View SamplesBipolar affective disorder is a severe psychiatric disorder with a strong genetic component but unknown pathophysiology. We used microarray technology (Affymetrix HG-U133A GeneChips) to determine the expression of approximately 22 000 mRNA transcripts in post-mortem brain tissue (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex) from patients with bipolar disorder and matched healthy controls.
Gene expression analysis of bipolar disorder reveals downregulation of the ubiquitin cycle and alterations in synaptic genes.
Sex, Age, Disease
View SamplesSplenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is an indolent B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterised by 7q32 deletion, but the target genes of this deletion remain unknown. In order to elucidate the genetic target of this deletion, we performed an integrative analysis of the genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and miRNomic data. High resolution array comparative genomic hybridization of 56 cases of SMZL delineated a minimally deleted region (2.8Mb) at 7q32, but showed no evidence of any cryptic homozygous deletion or recurrent breakpoint in this region. Integrative transcriptomic analysis confirmed significant under-expression of a number of genes in this region in cases of SMZL with deletion, several of which showed hypermethylation. In addition, a cluster of 8 miRNA in this region showed under-expression in cases with the deletion, and three (miR-182/96/183) were also significantly under-expressed (P <0.05) in SMZL relative to other lymphomas. Genomic sequencing of these miRNA and IRF5, a strong candidate gene, did not show any evidence of somatic mutation in SMZL.
An integrated genomic and expression analysis of 7q deletion in splenic marginal zone lymphoma.
Specimen part, Disease
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