Assessing the impact of HIV-1 infection on trancriptional program of quiescent CD4 T lymphocytes. Such cells were made susceptible to HIV-1 by dowmodulating SAMHD1 restriction factor using VLP-Vpx without any activation signal.
CD32a is a marker of a CD4 T-cell HIV reservoir harbouring replication-competent proviruses.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesWhole-genome transcriptome analysis of NAP1L1 depleted cells was performed to gain insights into NAP1L1 differentially modulated genes whose expression might be relevant during HCV infection.
No associated publication
Sex, Specimen part, Disease, Cell line
View SamplesHuman foreskin fibroblasts grown as multicellular spheroids or as a monolayer
Fibronectin-integrin interaction activates inflammation- and tumour-associated genes in fibroblast spheroids
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Time
View SamplesActivation of the hypoxia inducible transcription factor HIF-alpha and the NF-kappaB pathway promotes inflammation mediated tumor progression.
The hypoxia-inducible transcription factor ZNF395 is controlled by IĸB kinase-signaling and activates genes involved in the innate immune response and cancer.
Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesInfectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) belongs to the family Birnaviridae and is economically important to the poultry industry worldwide. IBDV infects B cells in the bursa of Fabricius (BF), which can cause severe immunosuppression and mortality in young chickens. Earlier studies have shown that strains of IBDV lose their virulence potential after serial passage in non-B lymphoid cells, for reasons that are poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the gene expression profiles of one cell-culture adapted attenuated IBDV strain (D78) and one very virulent IBDV strain (UK661) in chicken primary B cells cultured ex vivo from the bursa of Fabricius. The viruses were studied in B cells over 48h and their gene expression was initially evaluated with qPCR. The mRNA was isolated from the cells at 18 hours post-infection and screened with Affymetrix microarrays in triplicate. The study included mock controls which were conducted in triplicate.
No associated publication
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesHBV-transgenic mice were treated i.v. with 1x10e11 particles AAV serotype 8 vectors expressing different RNAi-triggers targeting the HBV transcripts. To determine possible toxicities caused by the different vectors (including off-target activity against endogenous genes) we performed a whole transcriptome analysis of RNA of livers harvested 15 days after injection.
No associated publication
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesRecombinant chicken IFN1 was prepared as previously reported (Laidlaw et al, 2013) and was added in chicken embryo fibroblasts to a final concentration of 1000 U/ml. Confluent cells were treated with chicken IFNa or mock treated and incubated for six hours before harvesting. The experiment was repeated in triplicate with three different batches of CEFs.
No associated publication
Specimen part, Compound, Time
View SamplesWe used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying the loss of CD28 co-receptor on primary human CD8+ T cells.
Metabolic reprogramming of human CD8<sup>+</sup> memory T cells through loss of SIRT1.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesIn the current study we sought to investigate systemic effects of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) through analysis of gene expression profiles in peripheral blood cells by means of deep transcriptome sequencing. We included 19 patients in the acute phase of IA rupture (RAA, first 72 hours), 20 patients in the chronic phase (RAC, 3-15 months), and 20 controls. We performed a global analysis of protein coding and non-coding gene variants regulated by SAH. We investigated expression of specific gene variants that may lead to production of functionally distinct protein isoforms and influence systemic response to IA rupture.
No associated publication
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease
View SamplesUmkirch-1/Umkirch-3 hybrid plants and their parents were grown at 23SD and then shifted to 16SD for five days. 10 plants were pooled in each of three sample replicates.
Autoimmune response as a mechanism for a Dobzhansky-Muller-type incompatibility syndrome in plants.
Specimen part
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