Cancer metastasis is a fetal problem that claims life of over 90% of cancer patients. It is hypothesized that cancer stem cells (CSCs) mediate cancer metastasis and such cells are often resistant to chemotherapy. Studying BRCA1 associated cancers, we found that CSCs form fillopodia and protrusions enriching for active forms of ezrin/radixin/moesin proteins and they have a much higher potential to metastasize than non-CSCs. Microarray analysis indicated that many pathways related to cell adhesion, extracellular matrix and cytoskeleton were differentially regulated in CSCs. Although inhibition of cytoskeleton remodeling by cisplatin treatment retarded CSC motility and cancer metastasis, drug resistant cancers eventually emerge containing markedly increased number of CSCs. This event is at least partially attributed to the activation of PI3K/mTOR signaling, and can be significantly inhibited by the treatment of rapamycin. These results provide strong evidence that cytoskeletal rearrangement and PI3K/mTOR signaling play a distinct role in mediating CSC mobility and viability, and blocking of both pathways in CSCs synergistically inhibits primary and metastatic cancer growth in BRCA1 associated tumors.
Synergistic therapeutic effect of cisplatin and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors in cancer growth and metastasis of Brca1 mutant tumors.
Specimen part
View SamplesAutoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a recently identified disease of the pancreas with unknown etiology and antigens. The aim of this study was to determine new target antigens and differentially regulated genes and proteins by means of transcriptomics and proteomics and to validate them in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis. Here we report a distinct downregulation at the RNA and protein level of pancreatic proteases (anionic trypsinogen, cationic trypsinogen, mesotrypsinogen, elastase IIIB) and pancreatic stone protein in autoimmune pancreatitis in comparison to alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis.
Autoantibodies against the exocrine pancreas in autoimmune pancreatitis: gene and protein expression profiling and immunoassays identify pancreatic enzymes as a major target of the inflammatory process.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease
View SamplesProprioception relies on two main classes of proprioceptive sensory neurons (pSNs). These neurons innervate two distinct peripheral receptors in muscle, muscle spindles (MSs) or Golgi tendon organs (GTOs), and synapse onto different sets of spinal targets, but the molecular basis of their distinct pSN subtype identity remains unknown.
The PDZ-domain protein Whirlin facilitates mechanosensory signaling in mammalian proprioceptors.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesIndividual organisms age at different rates, however, it remains unclear how aging alters the properties of individual cells. Here we show that zebrafish pancreatic beta-cells exhibit heterogeneity in both gene expression and proliferation with age. Individual beta-cells show marked variability in transcripts involved in endoplasmic reticulum stress, inhibition of growth factor signaling and inflammation, including NF-kB signaling. Using a reporter line, we show that NF-kB signaling is indeed activated heterogeneously with age. Notably, beta-cells with higher NF-kB activity proliferate less compared to neighbors with lower activity. Furthermore, NF-kB-signalinghigh beta-cells from younger islets upregulate socs2, a gene naturally expressed in beta-cells from older islets. In turn, socs2 can inhibit proliferation cell-autonomously. NF-kB activation correlates with the recruitment of tnfa-expressing immune cells, pointing towards a role for the islet microenvironment in this activity. We propose that aging is heterogeneous across individual beta-cells and identify NF-kB signaling as a marker of heterogeneity. Overall design: We used fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) coupled with next generation RNA-Sequencing to profile beta-cells from 3 month post fertilization and 1 year post fertilization animals. total RNA was extracted from FACS sorted beta-cells using Quick-RNA MicroPrep kit (R1050 Zymo Research). Sequencing was performed on llumina HiSeq2500 in 2x75bp paired-end mode. Reads were splice-aligned to the zebrafish genome, GRCz10, using HISAT2. htseq-count was used to assign reads to exons thus eventually getting counts per gene.
Age-related islet inflammation marks the proliferative decline of pancreatic beta-cells in zebrafish.
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Histone deacetylase 3 coordinates commensal-bacteria-dependent intestinal homeostasis.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe development and severity of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and other chronic inflammatory conditions can be influenced by host genetic and environmental factors, including signals derived from commensal bacteria. However, the mechanisms that integrate these diverse cues remain undefined. Here we demonstrate that intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) isolated from IBD patients exhibit decreased expression of the epigenome-modifying enzyme histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3). Further, genome-wide analyses of murine IECs that lack HDAC3 (HDAC3IEC) revealed that HDAC3 deficiency resulted in dysregulated gene expression coupled with alterations in histone acetylation. Critically, conventionally-housed HDAC3IEC mice demonstrated loss of Paneth cells, impaired IEC function and alterations in the composition of intestinal commensal bacteria. In addition, HDAC3IEC mice exhibited significantly increased susceptibility to intestinal damage and inflammation, indicating that epithelial expression of HDAC3 plays a central role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Strikingly, rederivation of HDAC3IEC mice into germ-free conditions revealed that dysregulated IEC gene expression, Paneth cell homeostasis, and intestinal barrier function were largely restored in the absence of commensal bacteria. Collectively, these data indicate that the HDAC3 is a critical factor that integrates commensal bacteria-derived signals to calibrate epithelial cell responses required to establish normal host-commensal relationships and maintain intestinal homeostasis.
Histone deacetylase 3 coordinates commensal-bacteria-dependent intestinal homeostasis.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe development and severity of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and other chronic inflammatory conditions can be influenced by host genetic and environmental factors, including signals derived from commensal bacteria. However, the mechanisms that integrate these diverse cues remain undefined. Here we demonstrate that intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) isolated from IBD patients exhibit decreased expression of the epigenome-modifying enzyme histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3). Further, genome-wide analyses of murine IECs that lack HDAC3 (HDAC3IEC) revealed that HDAC3 deficiency resulted in dysregulated gene expression coupled with alterations in histone acetylation. Critically, conventionally-housed HDAC3IEC mice demonstrated loss of Paneth cells, impaired IEC function and alterations in the composition of intestinal commensal bacteria. In addition, HDAC3IEC mice exhibited significantly increased susceptibility to intestinal damage and inflammation, indicating that epithelial expression of HDAC3 plays a central role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Strikingly, rederivation of HDAC3IEC mice into germ-free conditions revealed that dysregulated IEC gene expression, Paneth cell homeostasis, and intestinal barrier function were largely restored in the absence of commensal bacteria. Collectively, these data indicate that the HDAC3 is a critical factor that integrates commensal bacteria-derived signals to calibrate epithelial cell responses required to establish normal host-commensal relationships and maintain intestinal homeostasis.
Histone deacetylase 3 coordinates commensal-bacteria-dependent intestinal homeostasis.
Specimen part
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