We studied the effects of endogenous expression of the melanoma oncogene RAC1 P29S in BRAF V600E;PTEN hemizygous mouse melanomas. Overall design: Transgenic mice with a conditional knock-in of the P29S mutation in the endogenous Rac1 locus were generated and crossed onto C57BL/6J, Tyr-CreER;BrafCA/wt;Ptenfl/wt mice. Melanomas were induced by topical 4OH-tamoxifen. We compared the gene expression profile in whole tumour lysates from Tyr-CreER+/-;Ptenfl/wt;BrafCA/wt;Rac1LSL-P29S/wt mice versus Tyr-CreER+/-;Ptenfl/wt;BrafCA/wt;Rac1wt/wt mice (n = 6 tumours from 5-6 animals per group).