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Accession IconSRP082964

Human Osteosarcoma Transcriptome

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 5 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500

Submitter Supplied Information

Osteosarcoma (OS) is one of the most aggressive bone malignancy. Sub-optimal therapy has irretrievably compromised chances of survival of OS patients for years. Also lack of extensive research on this rare disease has hindered its therapeutic development. Cisplatin (CDDP) is an integral part of current treatment regime for OS. However, despite the proven benefits of CDDP, acquisition of resistance impedes therapy. Also, the molecular effects post CDDP insult in OS cells is poorly understood. Hence, we characterized molecular alterations associated with CDDP-exposure and resistance in OS cells. Resistance to CDDP in OS cells was developed and deep sequencing of mRNA was performed. It depicted an altered transcriptomic signature of resistant cells with enrichment of pathways regulating proliferation. Overall, a significant up-regulation of coding-RNAs and down-regulation of non-coding-RNAs were obtained. Further, analysis of immediate effect of CDDP-shock showed an increase in autophagy and JNK signaling, acting as a pro-survival strategy. Regulatory connections between MAPK signaling and autophagy favoring survival under CDDP-shock was elucidated. Taken together, this is the first study portraying not only global transcriptomic alterations in resistant OS cells but also showing key molecular changes associated with CDDP-insult in OS cells. Our results can be better utilized for future therapeutic benefit. Overall design: We analyzed 5 samples, each being the representative of stages in the acquisition of chemoresistance. Control was the parental HOS cell line with which other comparisons are/will be made in future.
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