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Accession IconGSE54522

Influence of olive pollen stimuli on the gene- expression profile in healthy controls and allergic patients

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 42 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

Submitter Supplied Information

Analysis of gene-expression profiles with microarrays can be very useful to dissect specific responses and to characterize with a global view, new elements for improving the diagnosis, treatment and understanding of allergic diseases. We have used this approach for studying the olive pollen response, taking advantage our previous results of T-cell epitope mapping on Ole e 1 molecule (the major allergen from olive pollen) in order to analyze the stimuli influence on the gene-expression of olive pollen allergic patients. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 6 healthy controls and 6 allergic subjects were stimulated 24 hours with olive pollen stimuli: Ole e 1 molecule and two Ole e 1 peptides previously defined as P2+3 (aa10-31), mainly recognized by non-allergic subjects (possible immunoregulatory epitope) and P10+12+13 (aa90-130), immunodominant T-cell epitope. RNA extracted from basal and stimulated PBMCs was analyzed by HuGeU133 plus 2.0 GeneChip, Affymetrix (38.500genes). After assessment of data quality by standard quality checks and principal components analysis (PCA), differential gene-expression by experimental conditions was performed by multiple testing, using microarrays specific software. Differences in functional analysis were performed by KEGG, for pathways and Gene-Ontology for biological process. The results of gene-expression by PCA showed differential clusters that correlated with the experimental conditions from samples of allergic patients. Analysis of differential gene-expression by multiple testing, and functional analysis by KEGG and Gene-Ontology revealed differential genes and pathways among the 4 experimental conditions.
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