Alloplasmic lines provide a unique tool to study the nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions. Alloplasmic lines T183 and T195 were developed through the introgression of the cytoplasm from Aegilops uniaristata (T183) and Aegilops squarrosa (T195) in the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum cv. Chris. Alloplasmic line TH237 was produced introgressing the Hordeum chilense accession H7 cytoplasm into the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum accession T20. Fifty seeds for each sample in pots of 11 cm diameter and grown in controlled conditions under 600E m-2 s1 high light intensity in a daily regime of 12 h light at 22C and 12 h darkness at 15C. Plants were bulked from each pot and three biological replicate used for the transcriptomics Fully expanded second leaves were collected two weeks from sowing in the middle of the light period and used for transcriptomic analysis.